Our Belief, Be the Change You Want To See In the World
We have always jumped at the chance to help a child with his or her education. We think that education is the only path to their future achievement, and that their success will lead to the development of our nation.
Introducing a programme in remote regions to promote menstruation hygiene among adolescent females aged 10 to 19 years:
The major objectives of the scheme are:
- To raise menstrual hygiene knowledge among adolescent girls.
- To improve adolescent girls’ access to and usage of high-quality sanitary napkins in rural regions.
- To ensure that sanitary napkins are properly disposed of in an environmentally appropriate manner.
The scheme was initially implemented in selected areas, with each rural adolescent girl receiving a pack of sanitary napkins. Now, under the National Health Mission, funds are being provided to States/UTs for decentralized procurement of sanitary napkins packs for distribution to rural adolescent girls. A variety of IEC materials have been created around MHS, using a 360-degree approach to raise awareness among adolescent girls about safe and hygienic menstrual health practices. These materials include audio, video, and reading materials for adolescent girls, as well as job-aids and functionaries for communicating with adolescent girls.
We are preparing to launch our campaign and will need donations from all public, corporate, private, government, and educational institutions to deliver free sanitary pads to needy women as well as education on how to use PADS and prevent infections. The majority of girls leave school during their periods due to a lack of menstrual hygiene management, eventually dropping out at a young age and missing out on their education. Even now, discussions about menstruation and menstrual hygiene are uncommon in Indian rural and a big segment of urban culture. Only 12% of India’s 355 million reproductive-age women and girls use sanitary pads during their periods. The rest of them use old fabric, husk, ash, dried leaves and grass, or newspapers as a substitute. Shocking! Isn’t that so? More surprising is the fact that these unclean and unhygienic habits lead to a variety of illnesses, including fungal infections, urinary tract infections, cervical cancer, and others, which, according to a report, can cause infertility and even death.
- 87% girls using old clothes
- 60% girls missed school on account of period
- 44% girls felt embarrassed and humiliated over restrictions
- 6% girls have never heard of sanitary napkins
Rural girls, new mothers, and especially girls in government schools will receive free sanitary napkins. As we all know, most impoverished or uneducated girls are unaware of PADS throughout their period. As part of this campaign, our volunteers will visit rural areas, slum neighborhoods, government schools, and communities to raise awareness about the importance of using sanitary napkins among adolescent girls and women.